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What We Do

Risk Management and Lessons Learned Support

Go Through All Available Data to Find Risks

The best predictor of future performance is past performance. So to understand what risks affect your current projects or operations, you need to go through all previous similar projects and operations. Not just ones with the same deliverables. You need to look at the challenges faced by project/operations teams in the same location, using the same contractor, done at the same time of year, dealing with similar stakeholders, and a myriad of other parameters that define the initiative. It can be too much for most teams. Let us take this burden off you so you can focus on getting the job done.

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Building a Risk Management Policy

Your risk management policy should reflect your organization's appetite for risk. This can get complex based on your organization's overarching policies, KPIs and strategic objectives. Capturing those parameters in a risk matrix is far more complex than most think. Let us assist you in creating a tailor made risk management policy.

Preparing for and Facilitating the Risk Workshop

There is a lot of administrative and prep work that goes into a successful risk assessment workshop. Prioritizing key risks by discipline and department, determining what critical path tasks are affected by said risks, and conducting a preliminary assessment of your risks all ensure your workshops focus on what matters. As well, having a skilled third party facilitate your workshop ensures an unbiased and objective perspective.

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Lessons Learned

Like risk management, most lessons learned programs fall short of expectations, often due to poorly executed after action reviews at the end of a project, stage-gate, or operation. And also like risk management, despite lessons learned being often left as an afterthought, they are more important for your team than they may think. In addition to understanding how your team felt after the work was done, the data, both at a high level and granular level, is invaluable to future project teams. Let us assist you in both capturing, reviewing and sharing lessons learned through data collection and analysis, as well as workshop facilitation.

Building Reports and Enabling Better Cost/Schedule Analysis

The outcome of your risk assessment or after action review is a risk register and lessons learned report that can be easily navigated, easily retrieved for future projects with detailed metadata, and usable to accurately estimate costs and schedule for your project and operations. Let us build these for you using best practices.

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